This distribution site was started in the end of January 2002 to spread the art of hatred and tumult to stir the peaceful shores. If you are some idiot drunken metalhead who thinks that it is 'cool' to listen to Black Metal and get wasted, fuck off! Black metal is meant to be feared, not a trend. I'm mainly carrying harder-to-find black/death metal and other items I find interesting. Bookmark this site as I'm always getting new, hard-to-find titles in. I will not be stocking any major label releases, only true underground with an emphasis on vinyl. I generally only get maybe 10-20 copies of each, so if you want something, do it fast! I don't always do restocks as the stuff is limited from the bands/labels as it is. Bands, labels, etc., of a misanthropic nature please get in touch if you'd like me to carry your items. Also, if you are interested in a link trade, please get in touch. If you'd like to receive updates by email, please mail me and I will put you on the list.
DO NOT email me with an order unless you plan on actually ordering. Don't waste my time. I hate assholes like you. If you email me with your order, please have the consideration to follow through.